Abracalabra was founded in 2014 with the intention of establishing a program of regular exchange with and among artists, curators, researchers and other cultural actors in Pietrapaola.
Abracalabra is grounded in the solid relation with the territory of Pietrapaola; coexistence of local and global realities is our primary goal. This fusion, in which rural and contemporary artistic manner meet, creates a unique mixture of possibilities for living and working.
JJonathan Frigeri (CH) Sound----
Selene Mouvais (CH) Textiles/Sound---
Eleonore Polato (CH) Sound/Sulpture----
Simon Riat (CH) Sound----
Micol Favini (CH) Graphic Design/ Textiles---
Laure Castelli Garcia (FR) Drawing/Photography----
Sebastiano Erazo Fischer (CL) Drawing/Design----
Marion Renaud (FR) Philosophy/ Drawing---
Andreas Fischbach (CH) Painting----
Gabriela Sofia Flores Schneider (AR) Writing/ CInema--
La vita Contadina (US/AR) Food project----
Giorgio Mega (IT) Drawing/installation/archive---
Marta Szakalaka (PL) Dance/performance---
Kazumasa Oshiba (JP) Gastronomic exchange with Japan---
Aljoscha Gößling (DE)Sculpture/drawing---
Sebastian Careaga (AR), Mercedes Chierri (AR) video/photo---
Camille Albaret (FR), Maxime Jeune (FR) illustration---
Ellfriede (AT) drawing/text---
Mijal Bloch (AR) drawing---
Elkin Calderòn (CO) video/drawing
Gluillame Levasseur (FR) Steffen Claue (D) interactive Video---
Ulrike Bernard (IT) performance---
Caroline Profanter (IT) sound/performance
Amelie Marei Löllmann (DE) Performance/ design
Nadine Torneri (IT) traditional dances exchange Tirol/Calabria